Fresh Flowers by Tracey

Fresh Flowers Guaranteed

Flower Shop Point Cook


At Flowers by Tracey we create beautiful bouquets, delivering all around the Point Cook area. We specialise in creating unique floral designs that inspire and elevate, using the freshest flowers available. If you're looking for friendly florist service from a local flower shop Point Cook, give Flowers by Tracey a try today! Browse our range of pre-designed arrangements online, or call our team and discuss a custom floral arrangement for your wedding, function or corporate event. Order before 8 am for same-day delivery and the freshest flowers in Point Cook, guaranteed.

Fresh Flowers Straight from the Markets


All our flowers are sourced fresh daily from local markets, ensuring you get fresh flowers that will continue to look beautiful for a long time. We hand-craft all our arrangements, creating new and interesting bouquets daily. Each of our arrangements is unique, designed to bring out the best of the flowers that are used in them. Our custom arrangements are no different and are guaranteed to inspire and delight. If you can't quite find the flowers you're looking for on our website, contact us and we'll design something for you based on your needs! Whether you're looking for something to show your appreciation, need something to brighten up the day, or simply enjoy the joy that flowers bring, you can trust our expert florists to deliver something incredible.

flower point cook

Flowers for Every Occasion


Our team of florists can put together something for any occasion. Get flowers for a wedding, as a gift, for your next function or even for a corporate event. All our flowers are delivered directly from our flower shop Point Cook to anywhere across Melbourne's Western Suburbs. (For more information see our florist Seddon).

We offer same-day delivery for orders made before 8 am and deliver fast to ensure freshness. We can even deliver on weekends with 72 hours' notice! Brighten up your next event with Flowers by Tracey.

Pick the Right Flowers


Sometimes it can be hard to choose flowers. With so many options the experience can be overwhelming, especially if you haven't been flower shopping before. We know how important it is to choose the right flowers. Our florists have been helping people find the perfect flowers for more than 20 years and can provide advice on what flowers would be best for your needs. Call our experienced florists today on 0429 808 718. We'll be more than happy to answer any questions you might have.

flower point cook

Best Flower Shop Point Cook


When you order with Flowers by Tracey you can be sure you're getting the best service. We take care of everything from start finish, including flower supply, arrangement and flower delivery Point Cook and surrounds. We're not a 'relay' florist. We handle your entire order to guarantee a personalised service of the highest quality. That means you get the freshest, high-quality flowers and fast delivery right to your door, every time you order. Browse our range online and get flowers delivered around Point Cook today.

Chelsea Rose Bouquet

Chelsea Rose Bouquet

From $190


From $115
Mini Orchid Plant

Mini Orchid Plant

From $60

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