Fresh Flowers by Tracey

Fresh Flowers Guaranteed

Florist Laverton


If you're after the freshest flowers around, you can't go past Flowers by Tracey. We're your local florist Laverton, delivering fresh flowers all across Melbourne's western suburbs. Our expert in-house florists can create and deliver beautiful bouquets of flowers and incredible arrangements for any occasion. Whether you're after flowers for a birthday, a wedding, or simply just to brighten someone's day, the team at Flowers By Tracey can deliver. With a wide range of pre-made arrangement designs as well as the ability to create custom bouquets for you, there's something for everyone. Browse our range online and find the freshest flowers around. Order before 10am and get same-day delivery.

Weddings, Functions, Corporate Events


No matter the occasion, we've got flowers to suit. Choose from one of our set pieces, deciding on the colour scheme and any addons at checkout. If you're getting flowers for a special occasion, why not add chocolate or a bottle of wine to your order? We can also create custom arrangements for special occasions, including for weddings, corporate events, functions and more. If you can't find what you're looking for online, talk to our team today about turning your ideas for flowers into reality. With more than 20 years of experience, our team has the skill to create intricate and unique arrangements that are sure to inspire.

florsit laverton

Fresh Flowers Delivered Daily


All our flowers are sourced daily from local markets and arranged at our flower shop in Point Cook. This way you know you're getting the freshest possible flowers, flowers that are guaranteed brighten up your home or the days of those who receive them. We take pride in our creations and put great effort into delivering arrangements that are bright and beautiful. Once your bouquet is created our in-house delivery team will take care of transport. We make sure your flowers stay fresh every step of the way, and never settle for second best.

Delivery Throughout the West


We can deliver anywhere around Melbourne's western suburbs, from Point Cook all the way to Werribee and Williamstown. Next time you've got a craving for some fresh flowers, call on the Flowers by Tracey team to get them delivered to you fast. We offer same-day shipping on orders made before 8am, and can ship on weekends with 72 hours' notice. Get flowers delivered for any occasion. You can put your trust in our team to deliver on time. (For more information, see our florist Seddon).

florsit laverton

The Florist Laverton Chooses


No matter what kind of flowers you're looking for we're sure you'll find them at Flowers by Tracey. If you can't, however, don't hesitate to call our expert florists for advice. With more than 20 years of experience behind us, we can help you find the perfect flowers for any occasion. We'll source and create for you a personalised bouquet or provide advice on what flowers would be the best choice for your needs.

If you have any questions about our products or services call us today on 0429 808 718 for more information. As the leading florist Laverton we guarantee the freshest blooms every time. Buy flowers today!

Mini Orchid Plant

Mini Orchid Plant

From $60
50% OFF - Plant Care Giftbox - Love, Your Plants

50% OFF - Plant Care Giftbox - Love, Your Plants

From $22.49
Susie Vase Arrangement

Susie Vase Arrangement

From $145


From $110
IN SEASON! - Tulips

IN SEASON! - Tulips

From $50

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