Fresh Flowers by Tracey

Fresh Flowers Guaranteed

Florist Altona Meadows


Fresh flowers are the perfect gift for any occasion. At Flowers by Tracey, we believe there's a bouquet of flowers for everyone. Whether you're looking for something bright and bold, or a floral arrangement that speaks to the heart, our floral artisans can create amazing arrangements that are sure to inspire. We source all kinds of blooms from native bouquets, roses, orchids, plants and more.

With more than 20 years of experience behind us, we're your local florist Altona Meadows. We deliver fresh blooms all across Melbourne's western suburbs, from Point Cook to Williamstown and more. If you're looking to get flowers delivered to your home or to a loved one, our team can put together one of our artisans' crafted set arrangements for you or create a personalised bouquet specifically for the occasion. Whatever flowers you're looking for, you can be sure you'll get the freshest from Flowers by Tracey. Browse our range online today!

Fresh Flowers from Local Markets


All our fresh flowers come straight from local markets on the day they're to be delivered, ensuring freshness and quality. From there, they're put to use immediately, transformed into a gorgeous arrangement or bouquet, ready to be delivered. All our arrangements are handcrafted by our team to be unique and brighten up the home or office of the recipient. Our florists are highly experienced and really shine when putting together tailored and seasonal arrangements. If you need custom floral arrangements for a wedding, corporate event or function, you can count on our flower artisans to deliver something incredible.

altona meadows

Flower Delivery Altona Meadows


Our studio is based in Point Cook, but we can deliver all across the area to locations including Williamstown, Werribee and more. (See our florist Werribee and florist Williamstown for more info). We can deliver to you or your loved one fast, offering same-day delivery on orders placed before 8am, ensuring you get a fresh and beautiful bouquet. We also offer weekend delivery with 72 hours notice. Get flowers for your home or send them as a gift, and have them delivered today. We strive to provide a fantastic service from start to finish, and delivery is no exception.

Get Flowers for Every Occasion


No matter the occasion, you can say what you need to with a bunch of fresh flowers. Use them to breathe life into a room or delight and inspire your guests. Along with our set arrangements, we can create custom bouquets to suit any occasion, including weddings, funerals, functions and corporate events. Choose your desired colour scheme when you order, or order a custom arrangement and leave your requirements in the hands of our talented florists. If you're after a personalised arrangement or looking to order a large number of flowers, please email us at

Floral Advice From an Expert Florist Altona Meadows


If you're looking for the perfect bouquet but don't know where to start, our florists are here to help! We can help you choose the right flowers for the occasion, whatever that may be, and help you get an arrangement that's beautiful and personal. Sending flowers is a time tested tradition, one that's guaranteed to be remembered. Browse our set arrangements online, and don't hesitate to call or send an email if you have any questions! Our experienced florists will be able to help you, providing information and advice. As a leading florist Altona Meadows, we pride ourselves on our service. Buy fresh flowers today! Call us on 0429 808 718 or send us an email for more info.

Mini Orchid Plant

Mini Orchid Plant

From $60
50% OFF - Plant Care Giftbox - Love, Your Plants

50% OFF - Plant Care Giftbox - Love, Your Plants

From $22.49
Susie Vase Arrangement

Susie Vase Arrangement

From $145


From $110
IN SEASON! - Tulips

IN SEASON! - Tulips

From $50

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